Regional and national calls
The complex world of funds and related calls, which we refer to as 'Concessional Finance', involves several institutions and is characterised by an articulated series of programmes and types of aid, which cannot be easily summarised in a few lines.
The first important distinction concerns the direct or indirect management of resources.
Direct European funds are managed by the Directorates General of the European Commission and are made available to companies, organisations and other beneficiaries through programmes aimed at pursuing the general objectives that Europe has set for itself on the most important topics. Those interested in participating, from any of the 28 member states, can respond to the 'call for proposals' of their interest and submit projects, usually within international partnerships, with the aim of obtaining co-financing (grants) for them. The main European instrument for direct funding of research, development and innovation is Horizon Europe.
Indirect funds, on the other hand, are mainly represented by the European Structural and Investment Funds (EIS Funds), financial instruments of the European Union's regional policy whose purpose is to strengthen economic, social and territorial cohesion by reducing the gap between the most advanced regions and those lagging behind.
These are additional to the ordinary public expenditure of states, according to the principle of additionality enshrined in European regulations, and the resources provided by these funds are distributed according to a seven-year programming.
In Italy, the 2014-2020 Community Programming foresees the implementation of 75 Operational Programmes (PON - National Operational Programme and POR - Regional Operational Programme) co-financed by 4 European Structural and Investment Funds, called:
- ERDF - European Regional Development Fund
- ESF - European Social Fund
- EAFRD - European Agricultural Fund Rural Development
- EMFF - European Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Fund
As previously mentioned, these facilities are additional to the measures that individual countries make available to the national economic system, through, for example (but not only) the individual Budget Laws, and with forms of aid ranging from non-repayable grants, to subsidised financing, to tax incentives. With reference to the latter, the Impresa 4.0 National Plan, a structural plan of incentives to support the development of businesses, with particular reference to the adoption of new technologies for the digital transformation of production and organisational processes, has assumed particular importance in recent years.
Who we cater for
We address capital companies, from SMEs to large enterprises, from any sector and throughout the country.
What we can do for you and how we can do it
- We monitor, thanks to our 'W-NEWS' facilitation database, thousands of facilitations, which we constantly update; our Research Department identifies the most interesting measures, by economic endowment, strategic objective, aid intensity and type of facilitation, and studies every single aspect, regulatory and procedural.
- We verify, with our consultants in the area, the main characteristics of the companies we meet; we listen to the projects already implemented and planned, so that we can intercept any possible facilitation.
- We carry out a free 'pre-feasibility' study, which analyses if the company meets the main requirements of the individual facilitations and if it is possible to combine several instruments.
- We design and fill out the required forms with our technicians and experts, both at the company's premises and remotely; we support the project writing and we assist the company in all the required and necessary formal steps, the accuracy of which is a necessary and unavoidable condition for the success of the operation.
Do you need more information? Contact us!
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