Life programme
The LIFE 2021-2027 program is the EU's financial instrument to support projects for the environment and climate action.
It has been in operation since 1992 and has co-financed more than 5,500 projects across the EU and beyond.
The new LIFE projects will help make Europe a climate-neutral continent by 2050, channel biodiversity towards restoration by 2030 and achieve the Union's green recovery after COVID-19.
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The Life program is structured in four sub-programs:
Nature and biodiversity - Halt and reverse the loss of habitats and wildlife in all sectors. - CIRCULAR ECONOMY AND QUALITY OF LIFE - ENV
Circular economy and quality of life - Support the transition to a circular economy, preserve and improve the EU's natural resources, including air, soil and water. - CLIMATE CHANGE MITIGATION AND ADAPTATION - CCM and CCA
Mitigation and adaptation to climate change - Support the implementation of the 2030 policy framework for energy and climate (with the EU climate neutrality goal by 2050) and fulfill the commitments made by the European Union under the agreement of Paris on climate change. - CLEAN ENERGY TRANSITION - CET
Clean Energy Transition - Support and stimulate the implementation of policies focused on energy efficiency and small-scale renewables.
Characteristics of the LIFE program for the period 2021-2027
Financial envelope for implementation
- 5.4 billion euros
Types of projects funded
- Standard Action Projects: projects designed to achieve the specific objectives of the LIFE Programme. They focus on actions aimed at supporting the environmental conservation and addressing climate action;
- Strategic Nature Projects: projects dedicated to supporting the EU's goals for nature and biodiversity. They involve the implementation of coordinated action plans within Member States;
- Strategic Integrated Projects: these are regional, national or transnational projects that put into action environmental or climate strategies and plans, either developed by Member States or mandatory by European Union legislation or policies;
- Technical Assistance Projects: projects focused on building capabilities necessary to engage in standard action projects, prepare strategic or integrated projects, and access other financial resources provided by the European Union;
- Other Action Grants: include coordination actions, capacity building support, information dissemination and awareness-raising efforts aimed at promoting the transition to renewable energy and enhancing energy efficiency;
- Operating Grants: grants supporting the day-to-day activities of non-profit organisations working in the field of environmental conservation or climate action, aligning with the objectives of the LIFE Programme.
Beneficiaries must be:
- Non-profit legal entities, independent, in particular from the government, other public authorities and political or commercial interests;
- Active in the field of the environment and have a climate objective aimed at the public good, sustainable development and the implementation of EU environmental and/or climate policy and legislation;
- Legally registered in one of the EU Member States;
- Operating at EU level with a structure and activities covering at least three different eligible countries.
Eligible expenses
- The costs of preparatory research activities (University) for limited amounts (cumulative with the R&D Innovation and Design tax credit);
- Industrial development costs (cumulative with R&D Innovation and Design tax credit);
- The costs of monitoring the project impacts;
- The costs of developing business plans, brand creation marketing plans;
- Communication costs (websites, advertising, participation in trade fairs in Europe);
- Administrative management costs;
- The advice provided by Warrant Hub to manage the project.
Call deadline: September 2023
- Evaluation result: early 2024
- Project start: mid 2024