System certificate

Company policy

In order to achieve its Mission, in compliance with the principles and values of the Code of Ethics and in the Organizational Model 231, as well as with the applicable regulations and mandatory requirements, Warrant Hub aims to help the industrial growth of our country by favouring and supporting the processes of innovation and development of companies in every sector, identifying finance opportunities, in particular subsidized finance, and providing consultancy, as well as specific training services for every need.

Customers are the focus of every Warrant Hub activity; verifies customer needs, involves the best professionals in order to satisfy them with seriousness and competence. Warrant Hub has always been looking for customized solutions for business development and with this goal it has established and maintained solid relationships with excellent partners over time.



In this context and with a view to the continuous improvement of its services, Warrant Hub has decided to adopt a Quality Management System. It complies with the ISO 9001: 2015 standard for the processes of Design, Development and provision of training services and and for specialized consultancy in the concessional finance field; supporting companies in launching and implementing research and development projects through regional, national and community public funds and a System of Information Security Management in accordance with ISO 27001: 2013, in order to achieve and consolidate lasting success over time, increasing customer satisfaction and loyalty, ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, availability of the information assets managed. In addition to achieving the following strategic objectives identified by the Management and company Management.

The goals are:

  • offer to its customers a single consultant capable of supporting them in the most complex challenges through the best solutions in terms of benefit and guaranteed results.
  • improve the growth of its network with academic, technological, financial and institutional Partners in order to offer companies a HUB of integrated services;
  • enhance their human resources through dedicated training and refresher courses, which increase their know-how, an added value of the company.
  • support the importance of relationships and their management through the sharing of objectives between the teams of the Business Units and constant dialogue with the Partner and Customer network;
  • directing company processes and activities towards continuous improvement, evaluating company results and decisions based on factual data provided by the Management System indicators as well as directly from customer feedback.

    Obtaining the Information Security System Certification pursuant to ISO 27001

    Thanks to the assiduous work carried out in recent years in the IT sector, the investments made and the expertise of the resources involved in an excellent team work, with the fundamental consultancy support of Yoroi - a company of Tinexta Cyber, we are pleased to announce that Warrant Hub is certified according to the standards:

    • UNI CEI EN ISO / IEC 27001: 2017 Information security management systems;
    • UNI CEI EN ISO / IEC 27017: 2021 - Collection of practices on information security controls for cloud services based on ISO / IEC 27002;
    • UNI CEI EN ISO / IEC 27018: 2020 - Collection of practices for the protection of personal data processed in public clouds by data processors.

    All our people are involved in the business process that allows the achievement and maintenance of the objectives of integrity, privacy and availability of data: applying ISO 27001 means guaranteeing the protection not only of our information, but also of ours customers and partners, to offer the highest level of reliability.

    We are an Industry 4.0 Technology Transfer Center certified pursuant to the Directorial Decree of 22 December 2017 and subsequent amendments. (DD 11/01/2019 and DD 23/12/2019).