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30 Giugno 2022 10:00

LIFE RecOrgFert PLUS - Warrant

L’Opening Conference del progetto LIFE RecOrgFertPLUS è stata fissata per il 30 giugno alle ore 10 e si terrà online.

L’evento è organizzato AFARM, partner del progetto LIFE RecOrgFert PLUS.
Warrant Hub partecipa con Massimo RinaldiEuropean Funding Development Business Development Manager, in qualità qualità di esperto dei progetti LIFE con una presentazione dal titolo "The LIFE Programme 2022: an opportunity for a Greener Europe". 


10:00 – 10:05 > Opening | Evangelos Vergos (AFARM)

10:05 – 10:20 > The LIFE Programme 2022: an opportunity for a Greener Europe | Massimo Rinaldi – BSc, Materials Engineering Business Development Manager (Warrant Hub S.p.A. – Italy)

10:20 – 10:40 > Using agriculture wastes and sulfur as fertilizer for productive purpose Adele Muscolo – Full Professor at Agriculture Department, Mediterranea (University, Reggio Calabria – Italy)

10:40 – 11:00 > LIFE RecOrgFert PLUS Project: goals and business opportunities | Antonio Scialletti – Dr. Eng. – MBA Project Leader of LIFE RecOrgFert PLUS Project Steel Belt Systems (SBS) – Italy

11:00 – 11:15 > Increasing soil organic matter and soil quality with organic fertilizers | Christos Vasilikiotis – M.Sc, Ph.D. Associate Professor, Chair of. Sustainable Agriculture and Management Department (Perrotis College – Greece)

11:15 – 11:30 > The role of biostimulants in plant health and nutrition | Athanasios Gertsis – M.Sc., Ph.D. Professor, Chair of MSc program in Sustainable Agriculture and Management and Director (Krinos Olive Center – Greece)

11:30 – 11:55 > Open discussion

11:55 – 12:00 > Closing remarks | Evangelos Vergos (AFARM)